Saturday 24 September 2011

1.44 milion US dollar Golden Dartz Kombat Unveiled at the 2011 Chengdu Auto Show: Live Video, Specs and Details

Perhaps some of you have never heard of Dartz. Based in the old Russo-Balt factory in Riga, Dartz is a Latvian manufacturer of armored vehicles who has recently achieved notoriety for their line of luxury armored SUVs, including the T-98 Kombat and the Prombron, the latter of which was originally available upholstered in leather made from the foreskin of whale penises.
Well, one of their most recent achievements, the Dartz Kombat debuted last week at the 2011 Chengdu Auto Show in China, the manufacturer also setting the price tag on their unique armored vehicle. Such an impressive car come, as expected with an impressive price: 9.18 milion yuan or 1.44 milion US dollar, at current exchange rates.
For this amount of money you’ll get a bullet proof car, with 7cm full body armored truck. Because of this heavy armor, the Dartz Kombat weighs over three tons, being powered by a 8.0 liter eight-cylinder engine with 456hp, good for a 240km/h top speed, according to Dartz.
Below you can watch the video shooted at the stand at the show, displaying a lovely lady, the gold plated Bellperre mobile phone and a bottle of Wodka, RussoBaltique Vodka to be precise. Why is this vodka so specia? It isn’t. Is just nothing more than 1,7 liter of Vodka inside a 7,8 kilograms Golden bottle. The drink is best served with RussoBaltique Caviar by Mottra, according to Dartz.

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