Wednesday 28 March 2012

Ferrari six cylinder engines

The latest auto car news that was written in the Michael Gauthier reports that the CEO of the Ferrari Group, Amedeo Felisa in an interview, very recently has hinted that the company is taking into account engines of six cylinder for their cars on the road although they are committed to V12 engines. While speaking to Autocar, he has said that their hybrid system would not be just about creating power but it will also be about saving energy. He further states that this technology is however, expensive in today’s time but is positive that the evolution will lower the cost as well as the weight. He has declined to say anything about the detailed specifications but has stated that the technology would allow them to continue to offer V12 engines and might be featured to all the models in the future as standard features.
Interestingly, he has hinted that they are considering engines of six cylinder for their on road cars. However, the decision is still to be made and have to wait for many years to come to a final decision. So let us see if the tradition changes and we are offered with something new.

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